"no mans land" was the ground between the two opposing trenches.
Different types of gases used in The Great War were:
- Chlorine gas which causes a burning sensation in the throat and chest pains and causes victims to suffocate to death
- Mustard Gas which was the most deadly weapon used it was fired into trenches in shells It is colourless and takes 12 hours to take effect. Effects include: blistering skin, vomiting, sore eyes, internal and external bleeding. Death can take up to 5 weeks.
Baron Manfred von Richthofen, also known as the Red Baron, was credited with 80 kills before he was shot down in his vermilion Fokker triplane DR-1 425/17 on 21 April 1918 in front of the Sainte Colette brickworks.
Sherman's Plan
The plan was the German General Staff's overall strategic plan for victory both on the Western Front against France and against Russia in the east, taking advantage of expected differences in the three countries' speed in preparing for war
- The Pals battalions of World War I were units of the British Army that consisted of men who had enlisted together at special local recruiting drives, with the promise that they would be able to serve alongside their friends, neighbours and work colleagues rather than having to be mixed in with the regular soldiers of the Army.
Helen T. Burrey, reserve nurse, Army Nurse Corps, a graduate of St. Francis Hospital, Pittsburgh, Pa., and a member of the nursing staff of U. S. Army Base Hospital No. 27, was one of the first three nurses to be assigned to hospital trains of The American Expeditionary Forces in her diary she wrote about the accommodations of Hospital Train No. 27 and the room she quartered in.,wrote of the trial trip of Train No. 57, when for the first time American Army nurses were officially assigned to train service,During the drives which centered in the Chateau-Thierry sector, work on all hospital trains of the American Expeditionary forces was heavy,and how Hospital service formed one of the most adventurous and interesting branches of war nursing.
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